Being in Service of Others Can Be an Act of Self-Care
Therapist Mariana Ghita charts our tendency to only look inward for self-care, and instead advocates for service as a key component of looking after ourselves.
Boundaried or Biased: Growing Through Conflict
Therapist Mariana Ghita explores whether conflict is sufficient grounds to cut people out of our lives, or whether it provides fuel from which to grow.
How You Dress May Influence Your Wellbeing
Therapist Mariana Ghita explores the relationship between clothes and our mental health, and charts her own journey on the subject.
Support your Wellbeing through Self-Motivation
Therapist Marianna Ghita highlights the importance of self-motivation to our wellbeing, and provides practical steps for improving it.
How to Bring Clarity Using Life Coaching Tools
Would you like to make some changes in your life, but you don’t know where to start? Sometimes...
Integrity & Its Effect on Mental Health
Do you often catch yourself not keeping your word – making excuses for being late, for not being...
Self-Abandonment: Integration with Compassion
Are you having trouble trusting your choices? Do you hide feelings, emotions, beliefs, ideas, out of a desire...
Affirmations: Change the Stories You Tell Yourself
Mariana Ghita draws on her own experience of battling negative thoughts, and how affirmations helped her improve her outlook on life.
Mindfulness Starts Right Now
Mariana Ghita stresses the importance of starting mindfulness right now, instead of waiting for the 'perfect' moment to arrive.
Problems or Solutions? Focusing Your Energy.
Mariana Ghita explores how we can live a solution-focused life and embrace accountability, rather than victimhood.
You are Not Broken. You are Already Perfect.
Therapist Mariana Ghita discusses the many forms of 'healing' you can encounter, and advocates an alternative, more fundamental, process of self-improvement.